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Cyprus New Intellectual and Royalties Taxation Regime
Following the recent amendments of the Cyprus tax legislation a more favourable taxation regime has been introduced for royalties and Intellectual Property Rights (collectively referred to as IP). The main [...]
New Double tax treaty signed between Cyprus and Ukraine
The news of the new double tax treaty signed by the two countries was welcomed by the business community of both countries as it ended years of speculation and uncertainty [...]
Cyprus Economy stabilization and streamlining measures AUGUST 2011-The International Business Companies tax regime untouched
On the 26th of August of 2011 the House of Representatives voted as a first package of measures to stabilize and streamline the Cyprus economy in order to adhere to [...]
Our New Offices!
Our new offices are located on the state of art business center in the center of Nicosia. Our full address is: LOUCAS & LOUCAS Chartered Certified Accountants Office 103, 1st [...]
Income tax & special defense contribution changes
The long anticipated changes clearly aim for Cyprus becoming even more attractive for foreign investors and mutual funds as well as clarifying some important issues that were grey in the [...]
The Cyprus Parliament has recently approved the memorandum of understanding agreed by the Cyprus Goverment and the European Commission, the European Central bank and the International Monetary fund (collectivley called [...]